
Broadcast filesystem updates (via inotify) over websockets. Serve javascript over HTTP for receiving websocket messages in a browser.

Module Attributes


Websocket port used to send updates to browser


HTTP port used to serve static/index.html


list of all web socket connections to broadcast to TODO: will eventually need to track station id when serving multiple scanners


track the current state of each scanner based on filename we can skip parsing a dicoms (and spamming the browser) if we've already seen the session



Actually run web server, listening on HTTP_PORT.


Run all services on different threads.

monitor_dirs(watcher, dcm_checker)

Perpetually wait for new dicom files.


We can use the file name to see if session name has changed. Don't need to read the dicom header -- if we know the station name. Can extract from 001_sequencenum_seriesnum::.


Track connecting and disconnecting websocket connections.



Current Sequence settings at a MR Scanner station

GetState(application, request, **kwargs)

Return the current state as JSON

HttpIndex(application, request, **kwargs)

Handle index page request


HTTP server (tornado request handler) Currently (20241102), this is just a fancy way to serve a static page.

class mrqart.CurSeqStation(station)[source]

Current Sequence settings at a MR Scanner station


station (str)

hdr_check: CheckResult | None[source]

set using dcm_checker.check_header

update_isnew(series, seqname)[source]

Maintain count of repeats seen :return: True if is new


seqname (str)

Return type:


class mrqart.GetState(application, request, **kwargs)[source]

Return the current state as JSON

  • application (Application)

  • request (HTTPServerRequest)

  • kwargs (Any)

async get()[source]

GET /state returns JSON similar to data sent over websocket via broadcast(WS_CONNECTIONS, json.dumps(...))

data here missing ‘msg’ but otherwise matches. it looks like:

{'station': 'AWP167046',
 'content': {"conforms": true, "errors": {},
             "template": {"iPAT": "p2", ...},
             "input": {"iPAT":"p2", .... }}}
mrqart.HTTP_PORT = 8080[source]

HTTP port used to serve static/index.html

class mrqart.HttpIndex(application, request, **kwargs)[source]

Handle index page request

  • application (Application)

  • request (HTTPServerRequest)

  • kwargs (Any)

async get()[source]

Default is just the index page

mrqart.STATE: dict[str, CurSeqStation] = {}[source]

track the current state of each scanner based on filename we can skip parsing a dicoms (and spamming the browser) if we’ve already seen the session

mrqart.WS_CONNECTIONS = {}[source]

list of all web socket connections to broadcast to TODO: will eventually need to track station id when serving multiple scanners

mrqart.WS_PORT = 5000[source]

Websocket port used to send updates to browser

class mrqart.WebServer[source]

HTTP server (tornado request handler) Currently (20241102), this is just a fancy way to serve a static page. Eventually

  • will match /scanner-id URL to station id dicom header for scanner specific page

  • could give more insite into or modify DB.


Actually run web server, listening on HTTP_PORT. WebServer defines what is actually served (and dispatches to HttpIndex)

async mrqart.main(paths)[source]

Run all services on different threads. HTTP and inotify are forked. Websocket holds the main thread.

async mrqart.monitor_dirs(watcher, dcm_checker)[source]

Perpetually wait for new dicom files. Broadcast new files to the browser over websockets.


We can use the file name to see if session name has changed. Don’t need to read the dicom header – if we know the station name. Can extract from 001_sequencenum_seriesnum:

ls /data/dicomstream/20241016.MRQART_test.24.10.16_16_50_16_DST_1.|head

dcm_fname (PathLike)

Return type:


async mrqart.track_ws(websocket)[source]

Track connecting and disconnecting websocket connections.

Stored in WS_CONNECTIONS. Might eventually need a dict to broadcast only to dicom specified station id.